Binge-Eating: What if it isn’t about Willpower - Part III
I’ve found the best way to head off a binge is by using Behavior Chains. This method asks you to trace all the steps (or links of a chain) that lead to a binge. Sometimes it will be just a couple of steps, other times there will be many steps and they will happen over weeks of time.
Binge-Eating, Part II
Part II we’ll talk about how to avoid or get rid of binge-eating all together by developing a game plan and identifying Behavior Chains.
Binge-Eating, Overeating: What If It Isn’t About Willpower? Part I
Binging, overeating – who knew the answer would lie in a three-fer: mind, body and spirit. Not with teeth grinding willpower as most folks think- but in a way that honors you and your humanity (not to mention your physical need for nourishment).