Binge-Eating: What if it isn’t about Willpower - Part III
I’ve found the best way to head off a binge is by using Behavior Chains. This method asks you to trace all the steps (or links of a chain) that lead to a binge. Sometimes it will be just a couple of steps, other times there will be many steps and they will happen over weeks of time.
Binge-Eating, Part II
Part II we’ll talk about how to avoid or get rid of binge-eating all together by developing a game plan and identifying Behavior Chains.
Binge-Eating, Overeating: What If It Isn’t About Willpower? Part I
Binging, overeating – who knew the answer would lie in a three-fer: mind, body and spirit. Not with teeth grinding willpower as most folks think- but in a way that honors you and your humanity (not to mention your physical need for nourishment).
A Conversation with Mary Anne Cook, Grief Counselor and Spiritual Director
The Relationship Between Grief and Trauma: “Trauma is a form of loss, and this deep loss results in grief, often unresolved."
Nourishment & Risk Taking: Part II
The first 3 stages -Beginner, Advanced Beginner and Competent- focus on the learner acquiring knowledge and gradually gaining confidence in their ability to apply this knowledge to their own lives via guided practical experience, much like an internship or practicum.
Nourishment and Risk Taking: Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone - Part I
I have found most of us yearn for our acts of nourishment to happen effortlessly, where it is just second nature and needing little attention.
Making Changes with a Good Deep Breath – A secret to successful nourishment
I consider deep breathing one of the best kept secrets of successful nourishment and is one of the few tools that involves mind, body, and spirit. While it may not seem related to food or nourishment, in general, increasing lung function through deep breathing starts and maintains changes, both big and small, throughout your body.
My side of the desk: Change and Community—Showing up with no filters
Reflect for a moment on who in your community or circle of friends allows you to show up with no filters? This is a story of when a dear friend showed up as my Witness.
My side of the desk: I need a diet; I want a diet.
As we continued the conversation, I finally took a deep breath and stopped talking, then I stopped thinking…and finally, finally landed in my heart. And there, where I least expected it, was the answer. “She deserved better.”