Binge-Eating, Overeating: What If It Isn’t About Willpower? Part I
Binging, overeating – who knew the answer would lie in a three-fer: mind, body and spirit. Not with teeth grinding willpower as most folks think- but in a way that honors you and your humanity (not to mention your physical need for nourishment).
Nourishment and Never Good Enough – Insight into our “Silent to Do” list
There is a saying in politics “don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.” Have you heard this before? Maybe you have used it yourself? Take a moment to hold the phrase with the goals you have set for yourself: both the ones spoken, and most importantly, the ones that are unspoken- aka the Silent To-Do List*.
A Conversation with Mary Anne Cook, Grief Counselor and Spiritual Director
The Relationship Between Grief and Trauma: “Trauma is a form of loss, and this deep loss results in grief, often unresolved."